For Japanese patent applications filed on or after April 1, 2004
- Request for examination for a national patent application – JPY168,600 +JPY4,000 per claim
- -where the international search report has been established by the JPO (under the PCT) – JPY101,200 +JPY2,400 per claim
- -where the international search report has been established by an International Searching Authority other than the JPO (under the PCT) JPY106,000 +JPY3,600 per claim
As examples, for pending 20 claims (where the international search report has been established by an International Searching Authority other than the JPO), the official fee for the request for examination will be 178,000 JPY (= 1,780 USD). For pending 100 claims, the official fee for the request for examination will be 466,000 JPY (= 4,660 USD)
Since the official fee depends on the number of claims, if a voluntary amendment to reduce the number of claims is filed together with the request for examination, the examination fee will be reduced by 3,600JPY per claim.
To reduce prosecution costs, we suggest to consider reduction in the number of claims before the request for examination.